понедельник, 18 апреля 2011 г.

Creighton Surgical Team To Treat Earthquake Survivors

A nine-member Creighton University surgical team departed at noon on Saturday, Jan. 16, on a private passenger jet bound for the Dominican Republic, where they plan to help treat victims of the Haiti earthquake. The Dominican Republic borders Haiti.

The team also took with them vital medical and other supplies provided by Creighton's School of Medicine, Creighton University Medical Center and Tenet Healthcare. A private donor paid for the one-way flight, and a donated return flight is being sought.

The trip, planned over a 36-hour period, was organized by Creighton surgeon Brian Loggie. Team members, who took vacation time to participate in the effort, plan to stay for about a week.

"We have more people who wanted to go than we have seats. ??¦We hope that some of them may be able to come on another plane next week," Loggie said.

Team members did not know Saturday whether they would treat patients at the Institute for Latin American Concern near Santiago, where Creighton students and faculty conduct a number of service trips annually, or at a private clinic in the Dominican border town of Jimani, where many earthquake victims are now seeking care.

Creighton medical students are also raising money for Haiti relief, challenging faculty, staff and community members to contribute. Both the University and its Jesuit community have committed funds to the Jesuit Refugee Service to support continued relief efforts.

Creighton University

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