четверг, 26 мая 2011 г.

Statement By Executive Director Ann M. Veneman Concerning The Situation Of Children In Sudan

"The recent escalation of fighting in West Darfur has added to the hardships and dangers faced by children and women in the region. Efforts to provide urgent assistance to children and women in dire need are hampered by the violence, and further displacement of civilian populations puts even greater pressure on camps that are already over-crowded.

"Wherever possible, UNICEF and its partners are providing urgent medical supplies, blankets, jerry cans and plastic sheeting, and treating and restoring water supplies in communities that have been attacked and in areas where displaced populations are now gathering.

"If children's urgent needs are to be met, humanitarian agencies need unrestricted access to affected areas, while the parties to the conflict must exercise restraint to prevent further mass displacements and allow people to return to their homes, and fully respect international conventions on the protection of children during armed conflict.

"For the sake of Darfur's children, UNICEF joins with the UN Secretary-General and the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in calling for a cessation of hostilities."


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